Aspiring students often find the process of calculating the Post-UTME screening aggregate for admission into tertiary institutions to be a daunting task. However, understanding and mastering this process is crucial for those aiming to secure admission into the Osun State University (UNIOSUN).
The Osun State University (UNIOSUN) is one of the State Universities in Nigeria that does not conduct a written Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (POST UTME) for candidates. What UNIOSUN does is that, they only conduct an online screening for all candidates using their O’level result and their JAMB score.
During my research, I discovered that a lot of aspirants seeking for admission into The Osun State University do not know how UNIOSUN calculate their POST UTME Screening Aggregate Score. If you are among this set of candidates, you are on the right page as I will walk you through the steps to calculate your UNIOSUN POST UTME screening aggregate.
Before we proceed to how to calculate UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening Aggregate, you need to know UNIOSUN grading system. Below is their grading system.
UNIOSUN Grading System
- JAMB=60%
- O’level=40%
UNIOSUN O’level Result Grading System
- A1=8
- B2=7
- B3=6
- C4=5
- C5=4
- C6=3
- D7=2
- E8=1
- F9=0
Candidates are to Calculate for five relevant subjects relating to their field of study including English Language and Mathematics.
How To Calculate UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening Aggregate
- Step1: To Calculate UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening Aggregate Score, multiply your JAMB score by 60 and divide the result by 400
- Step2: Add up your O’level result point for five relevant subjects relating to your field of study
- Step3: Lastly, sum up the result obtained in Step 1 and Step 2 above.
- For instance, Let’s assume that Taiwo scored 280 in JAMB and he is looking forward to study Nurisng, His JAMB aggregate would be 280/400*60=42%
- Don’t forget that we are using Nursing as a case study, Taiwo must calculate his O’level point for English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
All Candidates are to that, Mathematics is compulsory for all subjects.
The next thing to do is to calculate Taiwo’s Olevel result grade. Using the below O’level result as a case study.
Taiwo’s Olevel Result
- English=A1
- Mathematics=A1
- Physics=B2
- Chemistry=A1
- Biology=A1
Taiwo’s O’level Result total points would be 8+8+7+8+8=39%
Taiwo’s UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening aggregate would be= JAMB%+O’level Result points which is 42%+39%=81%. This literary means that Taiwo’s UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening aggregate score is 81%.
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The above guide is a well detailed and explanatory steps on How to Calculate UNIOSUN POST UTME Screening Aggregate Score. I hope you found this article interesting and useful. If you have any question to ask me pertaining this blog post, do not hesitate to scroll down and make use of the below comment box.